

"中心"和"周边"是两个灵活的、相对的概念,从儒家文化的视角着眼,"周边"并不限于中国的少数民族地区,还涵盖了包括东亚、东南亚等周边国家和地区.特别是在华南区域,"周边"的概念在汉族社会内部的不同民系、汉族和少数民族等各族群的互动中,又有着新的内涵和外延.从这一研究视角出发,我们可以重新审视以宗族为中心的华南汉族社会结构的研究、华南族群与互动的研究、华人和东南亚社会的人类学研究.在某种意义上,我们可以窥视华南视野下中国研究的特点.可以认为,华南研究已经具备了方法论的含义."Center" and "circumference" are two flexible and relative concepts. From the perspective of the Confucian culture, "circumference" does not limit itself to the minority areas of China but covers the neighboring countries and regions in East Asia and Southeast Asia. Especially in south China, "circumference" has new connotations and extensions among the sub - groups of the Hans and in the interaction between the Han group and the minority groups. This research perspective will help us reassess the study of the Han society with the clan as the center in south China, the study of the ethnic groups in south China and their interaction as well as the anthropological study of the societies of the Chinese and Southeast Asia. In a certain sense, we can assess the traits of China studies from this perspective. Thus, the study of south China has the implications of methodology.
